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A Curious Paradox

  • Day Center MS 1 um Bill Bill, Helperknapp, 7425 Luxembourg (map)

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
– Carl Rogers

Transformation is inevitable, but how we engage with it shapes our experience. We often resist change, or are striving for a better version of ourselves.

In this workshop, we’ll shift our focus to how we are, right now, and what’s unfolding in the present - moment by moment. And, how do we move with change? What are its shapes, flavours and textures? By slowing down, cultivating self-awareness, and building inner resources, we can meet ourselves in the present moment with more ease.

The paradox is that this acceptance becomes the foundation from which authentic change naturally unfolds. Join us and discover how to embody more trust, connection and fluidity in the ever-changing dance of life.


Friday 16 May: 19.30 - 21.30
Saturday 17 May: 10.30 - 18.00
Sunday 18 May: 10.00 - 16.00

Daycenter MSL
1 um Bill, L-7425 Bill

Workshop fee: 210€
Early bird (24 Feb): 175 €
Friday evening only: 25 €

20% discount for Open Floor teachers


To book: please pay the fee to "LëtzDanz asbl"
IBAN: LU71 1111 7046 5850 0000 | BIC: CCPLLULL
REF: a curious paradox workshop
send an email to Catherine:

30 March

Spring Open Floor Movement Practice