Verkörperte Seele, Erfurt
Als Abschluss der Workshopreihe tauchen wir in das Unbekannte ein und erforschen, wie jede:r von uns eine einzigartige Manifestation des endlosen Universums, des allgegenwärtigen Mysteriums ist.
Verkörperte Gefühle, Erfurt
Wir werden an diesem Wochenende durch Bewegung erkunden, wie Gefühle tief im Körper verwurzelt sind, und wie wir sie brauchen, um aus den körperlichen Zuständen Sinn zu machen. Wie die Grenze zwischen das Gesellschaftliche und das Körperliche ganz porös ist. Und wie wir uns auf mehr aus der Welt, auf diverse Interaktionen mit unseren Mitmenschen öffnen sollten, um unsere emotionale Intelligenz zu erweitern.
Ground Floor Lab, London
An Exploration of Life Through Movement for Personal Healing, Professional Growth, and Community Building
Rétegek – Pólusok között • Mindful Contact & Open Floor elvonulás
👯 Fizikai testünk szöveteiben magunkkal hordozzuk történeteink érzelmi lenyomatait, szerepeinket, késztetéseinket, megannyi kondicionáltságunkat, szükségleteinket, vágyainkat.
Ezeket a rétegeket legtöbb esetben nem mi magunk választottuk, hanem életünk különböző szakaszaiban ránk rakódtak. Bizonyos tekintetben, körülmények milliárdjainak vagyunk a kifejeződései.
Hol van ebben mégis a szabadságunk? 🕊️
Verkörperte Gedanken, Erfurt
Wir laden zu einer Erforschung davon ein, wie das Kognitive und das Körperliche, Immaterielle und Materielle ineinander verwurzelt sind.
Nicht aus dem Kopf rauszukommen, oder Gedanken loszuwerden, sondern die fließende Verbindung zwischen den angenommen getrennten Seiten zu verstärken.
Embodied Choices – A weekend workshop in Luxembourg with Audrey Boss and Bence Gaspar
Many of us want more freedom in how we live our lives yet we can feel trapped by external circumstances and feel limited by our own behaviours and habits. It’s not always possible or easy to change – ourselves, or our lives. On the dance floor, we can practice expanding our capacity to influence how we respond to life, situations and relationships. In this workshop, we will practice moving with agency towards freedom.
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Following Cycles – Bewegte Zyklen 4: Beruhigung
Wir bewegen uns ständig zwischen den beiden Enden von Tausenden von Spektren.
Wir atmen ein und atmen aus.
Wir schlafen ein und wachen auf.
Wir sind zu Hause und dann wieder woanders.
Wir nähern uns an und wir rücken ab.
Wir strecken die Hand aus und wir lassen los.
Wir fühlen uns gut und wir fühlen uns schlecht.
Wir leben und wir sterben.
Etwas endet und etwas beginnt.
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Following Cycles – Bewegte Zyklen 3: Erkundung
Wir bewegen uns ständig zwischen den beiden Enden von Tausenden von Spektren.
Wir atmen ein und atmen aus.
Wir schlafen ein und wachen auf.
Wir sind zu Hause und dann wieder woanders.
Wir nähern uns an und wir rücken ab.
Wir strecken die Hand aus und wir lassen los.
Wir fühlen uns gut und wir fühlen uns schlecht.
Wir leben und wir sterben.
Etwas endet und etwas beginnt.
Reconnecting – Open Floor in Your Home
👯 You are welcome to this online space of embodiment to connect a group of people sometimes from the other end of the world, sometimes from the same city. We'll reconnect to our own body, mind, heart, and soul, as well as to those of each other!
Reconnecting – Open Floor in Your Home
👯 You are welcome to this online space of embodiment to connect a group of people sometimes from the other end of the world, sometimes from the same city. We'll reconnect to our own body, mind, heart, and soul, as well as to those of each other!
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Common Knowledge Practicum
Embodied Mind & the Hunger for Belonging
Befriend the mind through movement to live a more creative and inspired life! Immerse yourself in the complex choreography of our neurophysiology and consciousness and increase your capacity for mindfulness in every cell of your body.
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯
Reconnecting – Open Floor in Your Home
👯 You are welcome to this online space of embodiment to connect a group of people sometimes from the other end of the world, sometimes from the same city. We'll reconnect to our own body, mind, heart, and soul, as well as to those of each other!
Embodied Nature
🕊️ Every inch by which we can narrow the inherited imaginary sociocultural gap between us and nature, is a step towards more freedom, and the body is the only place for taking these steps. Join us on the Open Floor to move, to dance, to shake it all off, to play, to cultivate mindfulness, and to reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with nature on a deep, experiential level. 👯